How to Hit The Golf Ball Straight Better Than Before?

Almost all the amateur golfers are looking for ways to hit the golf ball straight. This is because hitting the ball straight is one of the hardest things in golf. When doing a swing, at least the golf club swing within 80 miles/hour. In this speed, you must hit the clubface right on the ball.

Failure when hitting the ball straight can result it sliding away from the target and you fail to score your best score. That’s why the accuracy and trajectory play an important role in golf. The accuracy of a straight drive shot from the tee turns out to make a significant difference between a birdie and a bogey.

How to Hit The Golf Ball Straight

  1. Set proper posture

To hit the golf ball straight to the target, you must pay attention to your posture and your swing direction. Good posture makes the body feel balanced and ready to hit. Set the posture to be slightly more open or widened so you have wider space and feel easier to swing. Stand with a distance that allows the knee to bend and you can see your kneecap through the pants.

  1. Keep your balance

Your posture plays an important role in the rhythm of your game. If your posture is balanced and your arms extended, you can swing the clubhead slow and low. By doing this continuously, over time you can raise your swing speed so it can be suitable with the distance and direction that you want to achieve.

If you bent too far, then your swing will be too fast and often fail to hit the ball. Practice regularly until you find the rhythm of the swing you need.

  1. Grip on the golf club

When your posture is steady, now is the time to set your grip on the golf club. Do a neutral grip by lowering the thumb of your lead hand align with the target right in the center of the grip. Place the other hand on the grip with the angle between the thumb and forefinger aiming at the non-lead shoulders from the target.

  1. Aim toward the target

Aim your golf club and the ball towards the target. You can place a non-lead club on the ground aim to the target as a tool to allow you to direct the stroke straight to the target. This method is also useful to correct the clubface whether it is in line with the target or not. Make sure that the clubhead is perpendicular to the club in the ground.

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  1. Hit through the ball

When the club face is directed correctly, now it’s time to hit the ball. With a slightly open posture, start the backswing. Make sure the clubhead inside of the ball when you draw the club back. Then, hit the ball right in the middle. Make sure the club is far away from your body while swinging the club backwards until it spins forward. If you aim and set the posture correctly, then you can hit the golf ball straight easily and mistakes can be avoided.

  1. Place a high tee

You can also hit the golf ball straight if you can put the tee not too deep or a little higher (high tee). That way, you can focus on the ball and hit it more easily.