How to Hit The Golf Ball Straight Better Than Before?

Almost all the amateur golfers are looking for ways to hit the golf ball straight. This is because hitting the ball straight is one of the hardest things in golf. When doing a swing, at least the golf club swing within 80 miles/hour. In this speed, you must hit the clubface right on the ball. […]

What are Handicaps In Golf? Why Golfers should know it?

We often hear the term handicaps in golf. What does this term mean? In golf, handicap is a numerical measure used to measure an amateur golfer performance by calculating the nett score of the number of strokes. Meanwhile, this calculation system is not used in professional golf tournaments. Assessing Golfers Skill Level By using this […]

Golf Swing Theory To Gain The Furthest Shot

As a golfer, you know that a slight mistake in golf swing techniques can make golf strikes go far off the mark. That’s why learning golf swing theory from the very beginning is very important for the golfer. Mastering the correct golf swing theory and technique can makes the golfer be able to achieve the […]