How to Grip A Golf Club, Crucial But Often Overlooked

How to grip a golf club turned out to have an important role in the swing quality. Having the correct grip enable the golfer to deliver a good swing. Although it has an important role, but the golf grip technique often overlooked by the golfer. As the only connection between the golfer and the club, the right golf grip is capable to deliver a solid and straight shot. There are at least three golf grip techniques known by the golfer, but the holding technique remains the same.

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The common mistake when holding a golf club is placing the weak hand as a lead or place it highest on the club. For the right-handed golfer this can be the left hand placed above the right hand, or vice versa for the left-handed golfer. To be able to produce maximum accuracy and shooting strength, you can follow how to grip a golf club below.

  1. Setting the hands

The first step to how to grip a golf club properly is to set the hands. Make sure the grip sit across the left palm with the top of the club still poking ½ inch out of the top of the hand.

Setting the hands

As for the right hand place on the front or bottom of the left hand with the grip is right at the base of the fingers. Thus, the pad of the right thumb is just above the left thumb when the hand grips the club. In this position the club is in the ground with a straight position in front of the player and the face towards the balls.

  1. Forming the letter “V”

Grip A Golf Club

When holding this golf club, the index finger and thumb form the letter “V”. The “V” that is formed in your right hand should point towards the right ear as well as the grip of the left hand. Like standing in front of a clock, the club held up leads to twelve o’clock and the thumb is on the club pointing at one o’clock.

  1. Choose the grip style

For the golfer who has a small hand, you can try the interlocking grip style. This grip golf style often used by Jack Nicklau, Rory Mcllroy and Tiger Woods, the little finger of the right hand is connected or placed above the index finger of the left hand.

Choose the grip style

There is also an overlapping grip style or a Vardon grip where the little finger is positioned in the corner between the middle finger and the index finger. This grip style is a popular style in golfing and is often use by big-handed golfers. Beginner golfers with the weak hand, arthritis or small hands often use a baseball grip or a 10-finger grip. In the way of holding this golf club, the little finger touches the index finger.

  1. Measure the pressure of the grip

Measure the pressure of the grip

Grip that is too tight could result a tense body motion even the result of a swing that flying offline from the target. The player must keep the pressure on the hand remains the same throughout the swing. The pressure of the left-hand grip is centered on the last three fingers and the middle two fingers of the right hand.

You can also experiment how to grip a golf club with different strength of the grip. Usually, a weak grip produces a slice or hook with increasing spin and elevation. While a strong grip is considered most comfortable because it can deliver a low shot.