What is Golf Fitness? Things To Know About Golf Fitness

What is golf fitness? This question often asked by most of the beginner golfers who just have starting in the course. For golfers who want to step up their games for a long time, doing golf fitness is an obligation. As we know golf requires excellent stamina and muscle flexibility, these include the lower and upper body muscles also arms and legs muscles strength.

Although there are a few professional golfers who prove that a good posture with a fine body condition is the secret for a maximum shot. However, there are also a few golfers who suffered injury due to lack of fitness and warm up before playing golf. So, what is golf fitness? Golf fitness is a series of special golf exercises aimed at improving the performance of players in the field. Golf fitness not only helps players produce the best shot but also improves the quality of everyday life.

Why You Should Be Doing Golf Fitness?

When you are standing and swinging, you directly involve the muscle group functions simultaneously. The golf movement is repetitive so it increases the possibility of causing tension in certain parts of the muscle. If you ignore this condition over time, it will affect your performance even causing discomfort or postural injury. Golf fitness exercises that include lower body or floor-based exercises train the muscle strength that involved in golf movement. Doing golf fitness, the same as reducing the possibilities of the back and side muscles injured. Golf fitness exercises also allow the muscles to stretch and tighten also improve the golfer posture.

The Benefits Golf Fitness

As a golfer, you need to understand the benefits of this fitness aside of knowing what is fitness golf. In the short term, doing golf fitness on a regular basis can increase muscle flexibility and reduce the risk of injury on the course. In the long term, this activity can avoid the risk of various cardiovascular diseases, weight control, strengthen bones and muscles, reduce the risk of degenerate diseases to increase your life span. Some other benefits that can be obtained from golf fitness include:

  • Increase the power of the swing

Every golfer would want to produce their farthest shot. However, a few know how to hit the ball correctly to get the furthest shot. Many people think that adding the swing power then the distance also increases. However, if you are just trying to swing with all your strength without doing regular golf fitness exercises, you may increase your chances of muscle injury. Golf fitness also makes the upper and lower body muscles more flexible to perform the same movement simultaneously. Some golfers feel that they can produce a further swing than usual with less power.

  • Increases swing control

Fitness golf not only adds swing strength, but also increases the swing control so golfers can swing smoothly. Many golfers can’t do smooth swing movements because their muscles feel so tense and too focused on their power. Even though, the key of the furthest swing is not only relay on their power but also how they can feel relaxed yet still powerfully. That means the golfer can’t hold the club too tight or just concentrate on one part of the muscle or released excessive energy.

Although considered beneficially to the body, there is also the notion that states golf fitness has no relevance to the golfer performance in the course. There are a few players who are doing golf fitness actually feel the discomfort in their neck and lower back area.

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This is usually due to the wrong choice of a fitness golf exercise that does not fit with their posture condition. You can avoid such cases by understanding what is golf fitness and choosing the type of exercise that suits your postural condition and ask for assistance from an expert trainer.