BRI Junio Pondok Indah International Junior Championship

The BRI Junio ​​Pondok Indah International Junior Championship seems to be an exciting event considering the number of its participants. The tournament held on December 19 to 21, 2017 will be held at two representative golf courses, Pondok Indah Golf Course and Senayan National Golf Course, Jakarta. The 6th tournament was attended by 168 junior […]

How To Read Green Golf, The Secret To Perform Best Putting

Do you know green reading skill makes up important role in putting? Green reading skill is not a magic or a gift. Although it’s important, unfortunately not all players are good at it. As long as you know how to read green golf, you’ll get used to seeing something subtle. Practicing green reading makes the […]

Historical Heritage Ahmad Yani Golf Club Surabaya

Surabaya as the city of heroes seems to have a new historical heritage icon that is Ahmad Yani Golf Club. This golf course is one of the oldest golf course in Indonesia alongside with the Jakarta Golf Club or Rawamangun golf course in Jakarta. The 119 years old golf course is a witness of historical […]