LotusLakes Golf Club

LotusLakes Golf Club

LotusLakes Golf Club is located in the industrial area, Karawang, West Java.  It made  the city very hot  and dusty. But the existence of LotusLakes Golf Club becomes green belt  in this area. LotusLakes Golf Club was designed by  golf course designer from Japan  Mr. Naoyuki Saito and inaugurated on 29th October 1993 by  former Indonesian Minister of Industry, Mr. Tungky Ariwibowo. The course has 27 holes championship divided into three courses, each consisting of nine holes that are Lotus Course, Ochid Course and Jasmine Course. Lotus Course has a distance of 3548 yards, while Orchid Course has the farthest , 3649-yard and Jasmine Course  3545 yards.  LotusLakes Golf Club open from Tuesday to Sunday, except Monday for maintenance. Take Cikampek toll road Jakarta-Bandung and  exit Karawang Barat to reach the course.

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Challenging layout is offered at  LotusLakes Golf Club. Low handicapers could play from  championship tee  because this course very  friendly  for any skill levels.  Lotus Course features water obstacles so  golfer is expected to pass and beating the odds of this water in every shots.  At Orchid Course  as forest course, filled with tropical plants. This course is separated by a stream and lake. To play this course, golfer needs  preparing  mental and stamina when the ball is among the trees.

While Jasmine Course is  combination of water and forests. In this course,  golfer needs their long shot to  attack.


Facilities  at the LotusLakes Golf Club quiet complete, including restaurant, coffee corner, function room, VIP Room,  locker rooms for men and women equipped with locking systems RFID, pro shop that provides equipment with  variety of famous brands, also driving range consisting of 12 bay complete with green and bunker practice and professional instructors. The course also provides golf carts and women caddies, a large parking area, sauna and traditional Japanese Bath. Restaurant  provides Indonesian menus, Chinese, Japanese, Korean also Western. They also provides cocktails as well as fresh drinks. Function Room is located in the club house which accommodates golfers to relaxing and gathering with other golfers after the rounds. There are two types of VIP room,  Ebony Room designed with oriental atmosphere equipped with 16 personal lockers and shower, other is  Mahogany Room with Java-Bali ethnic design with 24 private lockers and cozy shower. Japanese Bath gives golfers  unique experience of traditional Japan that relaxing. Make sure you clean your selves first in  “washing area” before soaking  into the pool.


There are two types of membership in LotusLakes Golf Club, Regular Membership and Weekdays Membership . Regular Membership has  advantages such as playing with  member price in weekday, weekend and Public Holidays  while Weekdays Membership  only get the member price  of the weekday. Regular membership last for a lifetime while Weekdays Membership only one year. Other advantage as regular member is  having another  membership for  Family Member.

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As per January 2017, members who play at LotusLakes Golf Club charged for IDR 150,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 225,000 for  27 holes, valid Tuesday through Sunday and Public Holidays. This price includes caddies but not for golf cart. Guests charged  for IDR 450,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 675,000 for 27 holes during Tuesday and Wednesday. As for Thursday, charged for IDR 500,000 and IDR 750,000 18 holes  and 27 holes.  On Friday, guests charged for IDR 600,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 900,000 for 27 holes. Weekends and national holidays,  guests charged for IDR 1,650,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 2.475 million to play 27 holes in the morning, as well as IDR 950,000 and IDR 1.425 million to play 18 holes and 27 holes in the afternoon. All prices are inclusive of green fee, caddies  and golf cart sharing. For seniors over the age of 55 years  old and female golfers, LotusLakes Golf Club provides special rates  valid for Tuesday to Friday, with IDR 350,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 525,000 for  27 holes. As for junior golfers with  maximum age of 17 years old, charged for IDR 350,000 to play 18 holes and 27 holes  525,000 on Tuesday through Friday.  On weekend and National Public Holidays, junior golfers who played in the afternoon only pay IDR 650,000.


Celebrating  Lunar New Year, LotusLakes Golf Club gives special discount IDR 400,000 for  both morning  and  afternoon  sessions starts from 24 to  27 January 2017. On 28 & 29 January 2017, pay for IDR 750,000 to play during the day. This price includes green fee, caddy and golf cart sharing. Replacement due to rain or a rain check is not valid for this promotion.[:id]LotusLakes Golf Club

Klub Golf LotusLakes terletak di kawasan industri, Karawang, Jawa Barat. Hal itu membuat kota yang sangat panas dan berdebu. Namun keberadaan LotusLakes Golf Club menjadi sabuk hijau di daerah ini. LotusLakes Golf Club dirancang oleh golf desainer dari Jepang Mr. Naoyuki Saito dan diresmikan pada tanggal 29 Oktober 1993 oleh mantan Menteri Perindustrian Indonesia, Bapak Tungky Ariwibowo. Kursus ini memiliki kejuaraan 27 holes dan dibagi menjadi tiga program kursus, masing-masing terdiri dari sembilan lubang untuk Lotus Course, Ochid Kursus dan Jasmine Course. Lotus Course memiliki jarak 3548 yard, sedangkan Orchid Course memiliki terjauh, 3649 yard dan Jasmine Course 3545 yard. LotusLakes Golf Club buka dari Selasa sampai Minggu, kecuali hari Senin untuk pemeliharaan. Ambil Cikampek jalan tol Jakarta-Bandung dan keluar Karawang Barat untuk mencapai saja.

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Tata letak menantang ditawarkan di LotusLakes Golf Club. handicapers rendah bisa bermain dari tee championship karena kursus ini sangat ramah untuk setiap tingkat keahlian. Lotus Course memiliki hambatan air sehingga pegolf diharapkan untuk lulus dan mengalahkan peluang air ini di setiap tembakan. Di Orchid Course sebagai hidangan hutan, penuh dengan tanaman tropis. Kursus ini dipisahkan oleh sungai dan danau. Untuk bermain kursus ini, pegolf perlu mempersiapkan stamina mental dan ketika bola berada di antara pohon-pohon.

Sementara Jasmine Course kombinasi air dan hutan. Dalam kursus ini, pegolf membutuhkan tembakan panjang mereka untuk menyerang.


Fasilitas di LotusLakes Golf Club lengkap tenang, termasuk restoran, coffee corner, ruang serbaguna, VIP Room, kamar ganti untuk pria dan wanita dilengkapi dengan RFID sistem penguncian, pro shop yang menyediakan peralatan dengan berbagai merek-merek terkenal, juga driving range yang terdiri dari 12 bay lengkap dengan hijau dan bunker praktek dan instruktur profesional. Kursus ini juga menyediakan kereta golf dan caddies perempuan, area parkir yang luas, sauna dan mandi tradisional Jepang. Restaurant menyediakan menu Indonesia, Cina, Jepang, Korea juga Barat. Mereka juga menyediakan koktail serta minuman segar. Function Room terletak di rumah klub yang menampung pegolf untuk bersantai dan berkumpul dengan pegolf lainnya setelah putaran. Ada dua jenis kamar VIP, Kamar Ebony dirancang dengan suasana oriental yang dilengkapi dengan 16 loker pribadi dan shower, lainnya adalah Mahogany Room dengan desain etnik Jawa-Bali dengan 24 loker pribadi dan mandi nyaman. Jepang Bath memberikan pegolf pengalaman unik Jepang tradisional yang santai. Pastikan Anda membersihkan diri Anda yang pertama di “washing area” sebelum berendam ke dalam kolam.


There are two types of membership in LotusLakes Golf Club, Regular Membership and Weekdays Membership . Regular Membership has  advantages such as playing with  member price in weekday, weekend and Public Holidays  while Weekdays Membership  only get the member price  of the weekday. Regular membership last for a lifetime while Weekdays Membership only one year. Other advantage as regular member is  having another  membership for  Family Member.

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As per January 2017, members who play at LotusLakes Golf Club charged for IDR 150,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 225,000 for  27 holes, valid Tuesday through Sunday and Public Holidays. This price includes caddies but not for golf cart. Guests charged  for IDR 450,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 675,000 for 27 holes during Tuesday and Wednesday. As for Thursday, charged for IDR 500,000 and IDR 750,000 18 holes  and 27 holes.  On Friday, guests charged for IDR 600,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 900,000 for 27 holes. Weekends and national holidays,  guests charged for IDR 1,650,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 2.475 million to play 27 holes in the morning, as well as IDR 950,000 and IDR 1.425 million to play 18 holes and 27 holes in the afternoon. All prices are inclusive of green fee, caddies  and golf cart sharing. For seniors over the age of 55 years  old and female golfers, LotusLakes Golf Club provides special rates  valid for Tuesday to Friday, with IDR 350,000 to play 18 holes and IDR 525,000 for  27 holes. As for junior golfers with  maximum age of 17 years old, charged for IDR 350,000 to play 18 holes and 27 holes  525,000 on Tuesday through Friday.  On weekend and National Public Holidays, junior golfers who played in the afternoon only pay IDR 650,000.


Celebrating  Lunar New Year, LotusLakes Golf Club gives special discount IDR 400,000 for  both morning  and  afternoon  sessions starts from 24 to  27 January 2017. On 28 & 29 January 2017, pay for IDR 750,000 to play during the day. This price includes green fee, caddy and golf cart sharing. Replacement due to rain or a rain check is not valid for this promotion.[:]