Donald Trump Likes to Play Golf

Golf and Donald Trump were inseparable. The President of the United States who is also a businessman is known to already playing golf at a young age. Even his ability to negotiate whether in business or politics is recognized because Donald Trump likes to play golf. So, it is not surprising that some observers consider Donald Trump as the best president of the United States on the golf course.

Donald Trump Likes to Play Golf and He’s Better Than Barrack Obama

Donald Trump Suka Main GOlf

Donald Trump golfs skill even claimed better than the former president of the United States Barrack Obama and Bill Clinton. US soccer star, Tom Brady also stated that Trump has great golfing skill. The 45th President of the United States is able to win the game, without cheating and never losing.

He has also won 19 golf championships throughout his golf career. He also scored a hole-in-one at AT & T Pebble Beach Pro-Am in 1993. Until his 71st, Donald Trump was still able to hit the ball from the fairway. Donald Trump’s hobby continues and manifested into some of his property projects that include a golf course. Such as Trump Turnberry golf course in Scotland, Menie Estate in Aberdeenshire, Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Trump International Golf Club Dubai and other Trump Organization projects.

Trump believes that golf and business have something in common, they need intelligence. Playing golf is not only an escape from the routine, but also to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere with colleagues while enjoying the beauty of nature. Golfing is also believed to increase the ability to concentrate and decision-making. The golf course atmosphere allows you to focus more on the ball. In a relaxed atmosphere, negotiating an important deal will be more easily achieved. This is what proves that Donald Trump approach business is not a bureaucratic approach in running his government.

More Controversies

Despite the positive impact in business and government negotiations, Donald Trump’s golf activity is quite controversial. At least within the first year of his presidency, he has spent about 91 days of golfing. That means from his 364 days in the White House, he has spent about 3 months or a quarter of his first years golfing.

When compared with the former president, Barrack Obama played 26 rounds in his first year of his presidency. While Donald Trump played 39 rounds of games even more in a year. This controversy still continues when Donald Trump spends his time playing golf with some PGA Tour golfers after last year’s Christmas holidays.

Baca juga : Do Want to Play Golf? First, Learning How To Hit A Golf Ball Correctly

Trump’s habit of playing golf makes him considered to have neglected his duties as a president. His hobbies are even criticized by his political opponents. The White House itself insists that this golfing hobby is only done at the weekend and not routinely performed. Yet, Donald Trump like to play golf and continues despite the pros and cons in the community.